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Posted by on 2018/12/22 under Life

How do I die quickly and with the least pain?

Please, no *suicide is wrong* kind of advice

2 thoughts on “.

  1. Anonymous says:


  2. Anonymous says:

    A few 10,000 volts and 1000 amps of electricity ought to do it! Electrical towers or main transformers. Just wear wet clothes and socks. Use water as it evaporates very quickly thus lessening the electrical ground and giving you a few extra seconds of life. Use that time wisely!

    The minute you touch it, your body will heat up and catch on fire so quick,you will feel like a Bic Lighter and a nuclear bomb exploding in slow motion. Note it will not be a dream, it will be the END!

    Your might be aware that your skin is burning/crisping like pork rinds in hell cooking oil, and buring like acid as it melts and peels away like melting butter dripping from your bones.

    Your guts will bloat instantaneously like a balloon and any crap inside you will cook, turn to liquid and blow out immediately as it spews out at 310 degrees form your bung hole like a volcanoes hot lava and magma. Anything in your stomach like wise will spew up your throat and out your mouth and nose like chunks of battery acid and hot potato soup steam! It will be the best puke you will ever have for the rest of your 10 second life!

    You will choke and gasp for air in convulsions as your body shakes uncontrollably and you will not be able to gasp for air. You will feel every moment of the QUICK 10 seconds.

    Your eyeballs will be on fire, dry immediately, crackle and blow out or pop out then burst as they catch on fire, fallowed by parts of your brain matter blowing out your eye sockets and ears.

    No matter, you’re committed and destined, there is no turning back from the instant pain and death, you wont be able to change your mind and let go when reality sets in. The electricity will hold your muscles hostage and your brain will explode like a pressure cooker and bomb, your skull busting open as your ear drums explode from the over pressure. any hole, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, anus will look like steamed body organs rushing out at supersonic speed.

    It maybe even blow off the top of your head and EAT AWAY THE FLESH ON YOUR feet, which will be like burnt carbon crust or molten slag from cherry hot metal cooking the lard of your body fat as the blue sparks of electricity tries to make a ground and contact to keep frying you to a blackened and (very smelly) burnt crisp.

    Satin, God and Mommy wont even be able to recognize you and no doctor will waste their time trying to revive you, unless you have infinite health insurance that covers a billion dollars of medical bills for a corps.

    Your teeth and bones will turn black and to a brittle burnt and blackened crust, a touch will disintegrate any remains.

    You will feel it all until your mind and heart stops beating, after burning to a crisp alive, death is never fast!

    Have at it if you have the guts.Ten seconds, will be your lifetime!
    It only last a lifetime of 10 seconds and you will be dead, which will feel like a 10 years. But Hey, its quicker than a bullet which takes about 30 seconds to a minute!

    Good luck!
    I can video tape it if you want?

    Then again, you can take the easy road and way out and live, quite whining and looking for attention.

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